

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1 in 7 Americans face hunger. During any given month, millions of families will be out of food and forced to miss meals.

Hunger in America! Not acceptable. As long as hunger and malnutrition persist, none of us can truly rest.

Another problem is that the most convenient, most advertised, and most familiar foods are not nourishing; they promote obesity. Add to this the massive quantities of highly processed foods distributed to the people in need, we have an avalanche of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. The BagOfLife® program developed under the nutrition guidance of Sutter Health and Kaiser Permanente includes four healthy, tasty, and easy to prepare meals:

    • GrandHotCereal™
    • SoupOfLife™
    • LeanMeanBeanProtein™
    • NuttyQuinoaPilaf™

The meals are distributed free of cost to under-served communities through regional food banks, public service organizations, and college/university food pantries.

We taste-tested the four meals with a number of families – many children came back for second and third servings; parents were surprised and pleased with their children’s reaction. BagOfLife® meals are designed to provide high quality protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and natural dietary fiber. To prepare any of the meals, simply boil water, add package contents, and cook.

Another key component of the program is to provide effective nutrition education to help improve shopping, cooking, and eating habits.



As long as hunger and malnutrition persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life. Make a donation today and start making the difference.