
16,000+ BagOfLife meals delivered to Placer Food Bank


Oct 10, 2014: 16,000+ BagOfLife® meals were delivered to the Placer Food Bank. The meals consist of nutritious, delicious, and easy to cook GrandHotCereal, SoupOfLife, and LeanMeanBeanProtein. We at FamilyGreenSurvival are deeply thankful to Mr. Russ Hicks, Nasser Azimi, and the Rotary Club of Roseville to help fund this project. Our thanks to Mr. Dave Martinez at the Placer Food Bank for including these meals in their food distribution to those facing hunger in our neighborhood. First picture, from left: Rotarian Bill Bowen, Gopal Kapur, Andres Ordaz; second picture, from left: Rotary Club of Roseville president Scott Otsuka and Gopal Kapur, third picture, from left: Russ Hicks and myself. Thank you all.

Meals delivered to Placer Food Bank1

Rotarians Bill Bowen, Gopal Kapur and Andres Ordaz.

Meals delivered to Placer Food Bank3

Rotary Club of Roseville President Scott Otsuka and Rotarian Gopal Kapur.


Meals delivered to Placer Food Bank2

Russ Hicks and Rotarian Gopal Kapur.

