Ignorance Is Obese
U.S. life expectancy falls at 50th place internationally. Our life expectancy is below that of Australia, Canada, Jordan, United Kingdom, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Puerto Rico. While we have much shorter lifespan, we surprisingly outspend each of these countries on medical care by thousands of dollars. The key reasons are:
Healthy Fast Foods, Dream On
Healthy Fast Foods, Dream On: After the 2012 Olympics everybody is on a health kick, including McDonald’s. Be still my heart, finally healthy food at McDonald’s! They offer two, proclaimed to be healthy, breakfast items: Blueberry Banana Nut Oatmeal Snack Size Fruit & Walnuts
NoFastFood Pledge Confession
Food for a healthy American diet – By Sena Christian, The Press Tribune
Food for a healthy American diet Roseville resident hosts program to promote a healthy-heart, low-calorie diet By Sena Christian, The Press Tribune A few days after moving to the United States in 1962, Gopal Kapur went to dinner at his college dormitory’s cafeteria. Kapur, who grew up in India, couldn’t speak English well at the
Healthy but inexpensive meals are in the bag-By Anne Stokes Press Tribune Correspondent
Healthy – but inexpensive – meals are in the bag New effort targets low-income families By Anne Stokes Press Tribune Correspondent Gopal Kapur was frustrated with what he saw on TV. The Roseville Rotarian, Family Green Survival president and long-time cook by hobby was infuriated by lawmakers’ publicized attempts to live on limited food budgets in
Thought for Food – From SacBee.com
Eating Right When the Budget is Tight-From SacBee Appetizers
Eating Right When the Budget is Tight From: SacBee Appetizers Talk to Gopal Kapur of Roseville and you’ll hear him preach about healthy meal plans that promote social and environmental awareness – while keeping it tasty at the same time. I wrote a profile of Kapur and his “Family Green Survival” food program, an approach